Spring Fling is an opportunity for players to participate in a fun, lowkey, non-competitive environment to help
develop their skills and meet new friends. It is designed to fuel a players passion for the greatest sport there is.
There are four divisions:
- Mite
- Squirt
- PeeWee/1st year Ban.
- 2nd year Ban./HS
Players will play at the level they will be playing next season. Each player will have 8 sessions. Combination of
games and skills. The cost of Spring Fling is $150. This is a no-check league. The games will be 60-minute running time and we will not keep score. The roster and schedule of each team will be posted in the Campion Rink office
and on the Campion Rink webpage by March 5. www.campionrink.org
There is no pattern to the schedule. Some sessions will be scheduled in the early evening hours on weekdays and there will be Saturday and Sunday sessions. Registration is on a firstcome first-serve basis. Your $150 check must be included with your registration information. Registration will close on March 4.
We encourage players (and parents) who aren’t on the team of their “choice” to view it as an opportunity to make new friends and play with different players.
2025 Spring Fling Registration Form
For more information, contact Dick Dodds at ddodds@campionrink.org or 603-643-1222.